Scratch Built Copper Stationary Engine MK2

About 12 1/2 years ago I purchased a lovely scratch built copper engine from ebay.
All i knew about it was in the ebay listing description which is quoted below.

'This is the largest and the last of the five model steam engines we have recently purchased in an estate clearance.
We believe they were all made by hand in the gentleman's workshop and all are copper and brass. This one is
mounted on a matt black metal base and has a copper cylinder and copper casing supporting the cylinder and a
copper funnel. There is a brass wheel which drives the brass piston with steel rod. To one side is a housing for
the copper spirit tank which is has three wicks and is removable. The brass tap is also movable. The wheel and
piston both turn. We have not tried any of the models out so cannot comment on their workability but certainly
beautifully made with precision.'

Ever since then I have kept an eye out on ebay for any of the other four engines which were from
the same workshop. Spotted this on ebay recently and I am convinced it is made by the same person
who made the engine I purchased years ago. Here's the link to the original engine.

The restored engine.

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